“You here the word CANCER and your world stands still. I don’t know what I would have done without Raizel’s shoulder to cry on. She was there for me every step of the way. She knew things no one else who hasn’t gone through this could possibly know… like when to let me rant and when to tell me to buck up! She helped me be ready for doctor’s appointments and gave me the tools I needed to prepare emotionally for surgery and the aftereffects which are HUGE and have affected my whole life. Raizel was a Godsend.”
“Our life was stretched so thin. My wife was going through stage four ovarian cancer. Our kids were still so little. I couldn’t take off more work and I felt so guilty for not being able to do more. Raizel really helped me through this hardest, most painful period. She not only helped my wife cope with all the changes she was going through, but she helped me navigate as a caregiver and husband when I was at my lowest. I recommend her highly to anyone going through cancer and those who care for them.”
“Raizel is warm, approachable, non-judgmental, wise and intuitive. These qualities have allowed me - an incredibly private person - to quickly grow in ways I had only dreamed possible prior to working with her. I was delighted at how she helped me uncover long-hidden obstacles that had me feeling stuck. Raizel is a woman of grace and I sincerely encourage anyone needing even the smallest amount of guidance to take a journey of self-discovery with her.”
“Raizel provides kind, insightful counsel in an artful and life changing manner. She helps me think about the future in new and exciting ways and has helped me love myself for who I am!”
“Raizel’s insight and compassion are profound. She has the ability to transform a despairing situation into one full of hope and possibilities.””
“I have had the opportunity to witness Raizel in a therapeutic training environment. Raizel’s compassion, kindness, and deep genuine caring fill the room she is in. Her capacity to nurture combined with her honest, clear, unique insights provide a magical and safe environment for transformation to occur. I would highly recommend her as a therapist if you want someone who can truly hold a space of unconditional love and guide you to see new possibilities in your life. I feel deeply seen and loved every time I am around her.”
“Working with Raizel gave me a new look on my life and how I could take control of it in a time of mid-life transition. She was so in tune with me and asked all the right questions to open me up; giving me no pat answers, but hope, encouragement, and empowerment to move through this time. I feel like a different person, full of joy again. I know Raizel has a true gift and passion in helping people.”
“It’s rare to meet someone whose passion is to help other women make their lives better. I’ve been around other facilitators, therapists, and guides, but Raizel is different. She’s just one of us women trying to juggle all of life’s responsibilities, but her skills are so unique that she’s able to reach each one of us as individuals. She’s kind, creative, nurturing, clever, and strong. She’s the only one who’s truly been able to help me by not only encouraging me to be a happier person, but showing me how to make that happen in the midst of all the other things going on in my life. She has helped me find the balance between all of the things I have to do, and some of the things I want to do. Because of her, I no longer resent having so many responsibilities, and now I’m falling in love with my life again!”
“Raizel brings a diverse background and many talents to her work. She has a gift and a passion for empowering women to reclaim and celebrate their self-worth. I love just being around her!”
“Before meeting Raizel I was living, but rarely felt ‘alive.’ It’s remarkable what one person can do to help you reconnect with yourself. Raizel has helped me to find ‘me’ again.” I don’t trust easily, but I’d trust Raizel with my life.”
“I was on autopilot and very disconnected to my life. I often juggled everything in a state of crisis management. I couldn’t believe that this was my beautiful life. Finally, I reached out for help and found Raizel. Now I find myself breathing again. My husband and children love Raizel as much as I do... especially, since I’m now a much happier person to be around. I’m even laughing more and looking to the future with hope. She’s brought me back to myself, and through her support, every day is getting better!”
“Raizel changes lives... she understands women.”
“Before I met Raizel I felt angry and depressed. I was exhausted, teary, angry, and feeling overwhelmed. I have a great life, a wonderful husband, and two healthy kids... so I didn’t understand why I felt as though I was barely hanging on sometimes. Raizel not only understood, but she held my hand and gave me the skills to make my emotional life match the “appearance” of my life. Her ability to meet a woman where she’s at and to guide her to a place of joy, is one of the many gifts that Raizel brings to this world.”
“Time spent with Raizel is beneficial time, transformative and awakening time. In all my years, Raizel remains as the most gifted listener and compassionate communicator I have known. She is able to care in a depth and breadth not widely known or experienced in her availability. Five days with Raizel and women resting, re-awakening and re-nourishing is a gift well received, creating time eternal and friendships anew. A journey to another part of ourselves, yet to be discovered, explored and supported.”
“There are events in life that alter our character, our being and our lives. For me those events were the death of my father and the birth of my two girls.
Raizel has been a huge support over the years in processing these events, as well in my marriage. The weekend before my first daughter was born I attended an amazing woman’s retreat lead by Raizel. That weekend I felt bathed in support. The work we embarked upon was moving and extremely cathartic. The night I returned from the mountain retreat my water broke and I went into labor. I have always felt the reason I went into labor that night was because of the support I received that weekend.
Four years later I was due to have our second daughter and each day that passed I felt anxious about the birth. I wished my father could be there, I wondered if I could parent two children, I was scared....but not sure why. I went to see Raizel and experienced an extremely moving meditation session. During our session I felt a peace and support that I believe allowed my body, being, and baby to feel safe and able to labor. That night I went into labor and had a fast and very special birth of our second daughter. I feel this birth helped me to bond with my daughter and has been an empowering and healing event.”
“I am part of Finding Grace Women’s Group that Raizel created. It has been a life changing experience for me. To realize that we are not alone in our journey, to be supported through our pain and to truly be a part of each other’s joy! I highly recommend!!”
“Raizel has helped me see past the hurt I have endured in a way I never thought possible allowing me to heal gracefully. She leads groups on a beautiful journey of self-discovery and enlightenment. I encourage others to welcome her into their family as I have done with mine. Thank you Raizel for all your help. Hugs!”