Women’s Cancer Coaching
Serving women and their caregiving community affected by women’s specific cancers from diagnosis through post treatment and adjusting to life beyond.
Women’s Cancer Types: Breast, Ovarian, Fallopian Tube, Uterine, Endometrial, Cervical, Vaginal, Vulvar, Peritoneal… and everything falling in-between.
Women’s Cancer Coaching
Offering support from diagnosis, through treatment, and adjusting to life beyond
Services Include
Being emotionally prepared for the roller coaster of hopes and disappointments by addressing concerns and changes to:
Self-image and self-esteem
Adjusting to “the new normal”
Physical capabilities, energy level, body adapting to changes, body-image, aggravated clitoris, sexuality, sensuality, hormone upheaval, anxiety, depression, PTSD, substance dependency, fear, anger, feelings of isolation or being all alone, grief, guilt, sadness, vulnerability, overwhelm, avoidance, can’t stop worrying or thinking about problems
Long range effects of surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy including emotional, neurological and physical
Thinking ahead and being organized about practical concerns related to your journey through cancer treatment and beyond.
Finances, insurance, records, timelines
Care-giving (including meals, housecleaning, etc.)
Readiness for doctor’s appointments
Emotionally and physically preparing for biopsy and surgery
Personalized ritual for mastectomy
Learning to receive
When the Diagnosis is Terminal
End of Life | Sacred Passage Services
As a Sacred Passage Doula it is my honor to work with patients and their inner circles to infuse end of life with dignity, beauty, comfort, and respect. To be a positive and calming presence. To create sacred space where the patient and their family can move from fear to freedom, to acceptance and loving communion. It is a comprehensive approach that compliments hospice or any other type of palliative care. It differs by addressing your dreams and wishes. By asking, “What is important to you at this time?” and making it happen by working holistically on five domains: the emotional, physical, spiritual, practical, and life’s purpose or legacy.
Conscious Dying Principles
Increase beauty, pleasure, contentment
Provide emotional and spiritual support
Initiate conversations about the dying process
Practice self-care ~ Reduce emotional fatigue
Demystify the stages of the dying process
Be open to mysteries ~ miracles ~ unexplained events
Learn how to be with intense emotions
Honor other's belief's ~ Be true to your own
Be a steward of conscious deaths
Sit vigil ~ No one dies alone
Women’s Cancer Coaching is a service provided remotely anywhere in the world or in person for those patients and caregivers living near Colorado Springs and occasionally in Ann Arbor, MI.
Free Consultation
Video Sessions
Phone Sessions
In Person
*In home visits available under special circumstances.
Emotional- Looking at unfinished business, finding forgiveness and reconciliation, making amends. Some people choose to write letters to loved ones. Having someone with whom to talk about the hard stuff often too difficult for family members to hear. Emotional support for family and loved ones. Grief education and support.
Physical- Making sure the patient is as physically comfortable as possible. We might look at the environment itself making sure it is as pleasant and appealing to the patient as can be. Can they see out the window at the bird feeder? Is their space homey and inviting? Does the furniture suit their needs? Do they have pictures of loved ones and personal art surrounding them? Is there a scent or color that would bring them peace? Would they like a foot rub or some healing touch? To take a walk if they can or sit outside? Maybe just be held?
Spiritual- What are the patient's beliefs about death? It is often such a relief to be able to talk openly about one's fears or doubts, hopes or certainties. What are the patient's religious beliefs? Would they like clergy present? What customs or rituals are important to them? What earthly burden will they be released from? Can they see death as an ally? Understanding death as a sacred journey. Helping the patient and their family prepare by creating sacred space. Encouraging the patient to see themselves as a spiritual being.
Practical- Are all the legal and practical pieces in order? Are the advanced directives in place? Do the patient and their family understand all the options and resources available to them? Does the patient have an advocate? Perhaps helping the family and loved ones arrange a meal plan with the support of their community. Being the Guardian at the Gate.
Legacy- Making meaning and finding purpose. Having someone to process one's life with. Having someone with the skills to help the patient communicate their thoughts and put their life into perspective. Hearing their stories. Facilitating an understanding of how rich a legacy they are leaving for their loved ones, how deeply their life has affected them.
Officiant Services
With as much input and guidance that one’s family and inner circle wish to provide:
Designing and planning a vigil
Designing and planning a Memorial or Celebration of Life
Officiating at Memorial or Celebration of Life